CRank: 5Score: 23300

You can't change something that is already perfected. looks slick, more details will be revealed at E3.

Damn, that was fast, i got a dozen disagrees not even a minute after I posted this. LOL, the Sony fanboys are out on full force today. It is going to be a fun day.

4025d ago 7 agree16 disagreeView comment

BULLET Time is Back!!! This is just the first of 8 new IPs within the first 12 months. Can hardly wait for more at E3.

4025d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Darn it Sega, it is bad enough that you keep giving us Xbox/PS3 owners sh!tty games like Aliens: CM, Iron Man, Captain America, and etc..but now you are going to release the good stuff on a system that barely sells? Not buying anymore Sega games, had enough of their BS for the past 5-6 years.

4025d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

Sony need not just a price cut on the system, but the memory card and game prices also need to be slashed.

Judging by the approx. 20,000 unit sold for the month of April in the U.S, according to NPD, the system needs to be under $180 ASAP for the Wifi unit, the memory card needs to be comparable to regular SD cards, and the $40 a pop for the games need to be in the $20-$30 range before it can have any success in the West.

Lets face it, the mobile phone apps h...

4025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He no longer works for MS, so I can care less of what he had to say. Less than 7 hours away and I can't wait.

4025d ago 6 agree19 disagreeView comment

Whichever one it is, Forza 5 or PGR5, I simply cannot wait, love those two games. Forza Horizon was also a great game as well, MS sure know how to make them racers!

It is a shame that GT6 won't be on PS4 so a direct comparison of specs can't be analyzed on DigitalFoundry like what they did with Forza 4 and GT5.

4025d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Square Enix is scheduled to announce something this week. I see a scenario at the 59 min mark, a trailer of FF Versus 13 will be shown running of Xbox hardware and the meltdown will begin, once again

4026d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

Still too expensive. Gotta save that $239 towards my Xbox Infinity at the end of the year. I will only purchase a Wii U when it is $99 and a new Zelda and Metroid are out, most likely in another 2-3 years.

4026d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

One hour is perfect. Save the 2 hour main event for E3 so they don't give away too much information to the competitors heading into E3.

1. Things I expected from tomorrow: Name of console, Showing the Actual hardware, Windows 8 integration, Skype and Kinect, information about specs and the features, showing the controller. Showing a few games (COD Ghost, something from EA, maybe Square Enix, A racing game (either Forza 5 or PGR), and maybe a last minute surprise from Eith...

4026d ago 8 agree13 disagreeView comment

I am desperately hoping it is PGR. It is by far my favorite racing series of all time going back to the Metropolis Street Racing game on the Dreamcast. London, Paris, San Francisco, New York, Tokyo created in Next Gen graphics should be spectacular!

4026d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is all I need:

1. Price $400 - $500 with a large harddrive, Kinect included.

2. BC with Xbox 360 games. When I transferred my white 100gb xbox 360 over to the xbox slim, the transferred cable is a good option to transferred all my contents over. What will make it better is if there is a expansion port in the new xbox that will let me just plug in the old x360 hardrive.

3. Integration with other Windows 8 devices.

4. sho...

4026d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

If the Next Xbox is indeed more powerful, I expect the Sony worshippers on N4G to do a complete 180 and proclaiming specs doesn't matter, it is all about the Sony exclusives and will still continue with their religious crusade to spread false propaganda that MS has abandoned core gamers, all games are Kinect only, has only Halo, etc..etc..same old story but with a twist, of course.

Edit below:
LOL, If you look at the history, I don't recall any xbox fans, ...

4026d ago 23 agree20 disagreeView comment

It seems like the number "5" and the next box surely has something in common judging from all these "5 ways" "5 things" articles that are poppong up lately. Why do MS need to worry about the survival of the new xbox? This is not the Wii U we are talking about here. MS has all third party game support, has the best online community, has infinite money to set prices and be as competitive as they chooses and advertise the products, and a hardware that is truly next ...

4026d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

It is quite simple really to figure out. see all 5 fingers from the human and robot form? it means Kinect 2.0 can now recognize and track all 5 of your fingers. Imagine playing a tactical FPS and you can summon command with using finger command. 5/21 can't come soon enough.

4026d ago 13 agree14 disagreeView comment

Agreed turnerdc, If this was the other way around, like the PSP/VITA vs DS situation, they were are proclaiming the PSP is a better fit because of internet, a media player, and other functions like remote play are all features that are holding the DS back and its dual screen is a gimmick. Give me a break, these are the same folks that are praising the Kevin Butler and "It Only Does Everything" campaign like it is the second coming. Now all of a sudden, they feel too much features is...

4027d ago 15 agree7 disagreeView comment

Please, stop with using the same old recycled materials ever time a similar MS gets posted. The xbox is not a system for you, we get it, now go play your PS3 exclusives and enjoy your free internet gaming while other 40 million plus xbox live gamers can enjoy theirs. Are you related to Strongman or ThatKansasGuy, by any chance? You sounds just like them.

4027d ago 8 agree13 disagreeView comment

seriously dude, there is no real tracking site for worldwide sales so yes we know the VGchartz are based on guestimate, as there are really no other alternative, but at this point in the generation does it really matter? I only thing we are foundly aware of is that MS sold 70 plus units of X360 compared to the original xbox lifetime sales of around 25 millions (a +60 gain) while the Sony PS3 estimated 70 plus units sold is almost (-50) compared to the 140 million PS2 unit that were sold last ...

4027d ago 9 agree27 disagreeView comment

They are disagreeing because their beloved Sony just don't quite have the resources to pulled off something as ambitious as MS. Seriously, who wouldn't want just one box sitting in their entertainment unit that can do Cable TV, stream media, play games, movies, music, have Skype as an exclusive, implementing cloud based software and sharing from all windows 8 devices, and BC so new current gen games like GT5 and Halo 4 can be played without the need of having another console to take u...

4027d ago 19 agree15 disagreeView comment


Do what is best, get the ones that you like, that is why I am getting the next xbox becuase I like Halo, Gears, Forza, Fable, the controller, and the online setup. Some people might prefer Sony or Nintendo games or the the way the system works, so good for them.

The point I don't agreed with you is that you listed the Wii U and its launch lineup with multiple third party games but failed to list Forza Horizon, and other Kinect exclusives whil...

4027d ago 12 agree18 disagreeView comment

FF14, cross-platform play between PC and the new xbox. Oh, any maybe even FF Versus now also went multiplatforms. Megaton incoming 5/21.

4028d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment